Sunday, August 31, 2008
8:08 PM
Yesterday had been a good-almost-to-awesome day with my alumni + Weiyi and her cousin. As predicted, the usual gang of alumni DID really come. The rest, except for MFGG campfire, they won’t turn up one la.And I’ve got a miracle to announce: Andreas Neo actually
CAME ON TIME yesterday. While the rest of us were late for a change, so she went off to Sentosa first.
Fast forward to Siloso Beach, Edith and I were frantically trying to get hold of our dear seniors, but Andreas and Weiyi weren’t picking up their handphones, our smart seniors told us Siloso Beach, but didn’t tell us which part of Siloso Beach.LOL. So we ended up walking around like idiots trying to find them. HAHA.and when we FINALLY found them, the volleyball court that they had “booked”, was drawn by them. It was pretty cute. We though we had to search through a wade of people to find them, but there were in front. And I would later learn that chuaqinshi couldn’t recognize Weiyi.OMG! But to be fair, she cut her hair short since the June training camp and both of them were sporting those sailing-type of sunglasses.
Anyhow, we played volleyball till around 12-12:30,and I took a lot of candid shots with chuaqinshi’s camera while Andreas,Weiyi, Weiyi’s cousin and her were playing( think unglam pictures) and I think I spend half the time sitting under the shade of the tree taking pictures, while Andreas,Weiyi and Edith played(but I did play). After that, they took a loooong time to bath so while they bath, I people watched and did my nomination form thing, and guess who I spotted? Felicia! My PL when I was in sec 2! But we haven’t seen each other since the 2006 MFGG campfire, so there is no way she could recognize me now.
We went off to eat lunch at Palawan Beach, at the food court and went to the bridge, and since part of the DREAMS 5 preparation camp happened at Palawan Beach, Andreas and I reminisce about the dunking of the ELs, I think it was Fred, Andreas then followed by Lionel in that order.LOL. And I still stand by that playing powerball on the beach is still the best. While waiting for the tram back to Siloso beach, I told them about Nat camp and how my station works and repeated Topshop’s famous instructions. Oh! And they couldn’t get the “Whale!Whale” sad. Btw, Andreas admitted that MFGG had been very drama from her batch onwards, BUT BUT, she claims that it was from May, not from her.HAHAHA.
Now to the best part of the day, we went to play the luge! On the skyride up, my evil seniors made me sit with Adeline and Edith while they laughed away at the back. The best part being that while riding on the luge, it started raining and halfway through the course, it got really heavy, and it was pretty shuang, riding down the hill at top speed and getting thoroughly soaked. :D
And for the finale, we went to J8 to eat dinner and caught Wall-E for the 8.40 show. :)
So in total I think I spent 13+ hours with my alumni? HAHA.NICE! I wanna do that for Nat camp gathering also! Meanwhile,MF Scouts campfire next week!Can go kajiao Miao, Gatsby boy, Yingjie, Chinhow, Hazel, Snirky, Kelvin, Fred and Lionel le.YAY!
Friday, August 29, 2008
1:02 AM
National camp appreciation dinner was not bad, thank god quite a number of people I know went, SJAB turned up in almost full force(Lina missing),GB completely went MIA, Guides had Hawa,Eug,Adeline,Xinhui,Goh Phing,Valerie and Seow Keow and I(Pamela,Laoda and Topshop couldn't make it), NP logistic side had Banu, our juice girl!
The highlight of the dinner was crapping around with them again. the cedar entertainment center this time round, turned up with cedar full u! almost all the guides were compared to other UG, some who turn up in dress,suit and such. Oh!and the slideshow which featured all the activities :) Every time we spotted our activities and/or faces, we started screaming.LOL. I remember 1 particular picture where our fosball game was at it's most violent(and peak)and you could see Banu kicking the ball with such jest that her foot was in the air and the 3 of us laughing in the background. Also, where the ball hit one guy's "fatherhood"(for the full story, go to topshop's blog.haha) and everyone was laughing like mad.
Not to mention the fact that Banu and I were hyperventilating when we saw our pictures. So did Eug,Adeline,Hawa and the rest of them :D The food was okok la, it was the buffet type of dinner, not the wedding dinner type of dinner so we all just sat around casually and talk/camwhore/attempting to throw people into the swimming pool(Banu ONLY.with her Judo black belt.haha.she self-proclaimed it).BUT BUT Hawa and Eug accidentally kapok food from the VIP buffet, hilarous cos they didnt realise it.And they attempted a little matchmaking with this NP guy who was Bravo's instructor to none other then yours truly(somehow, they were convinced that I like him and taking the trustwalk pictures from him was a way to get his number.those guys...wild imagination man). Yes, chuaqinshi, it was almost like ccw again. Guides are really professional matchmakers, its almost scary.LOL.
Lati dorm really went crazy yesterday night. must be all the excitment of seeing each other again after 2 weeks.HAHA. as a proof that we really went crazy, we shouted the "WHALE!WHALE!" cheer before going home-with a whole lot of people looking at us. Apparently, the BB "yellow shirt guy" told everyone that there will be a "concert". But it was fun!
Looking at the pictures of the campers&instructors on the last day really broke my heart though, there were pictures of them crying and all and it almost made me go emo. It had that lester-last-dreams5-meeting vibes.omg.scary man.I remembered at that moment, it got me reminded that this dinner was in a way like the emo last meeting, Addie wasn't there, and at that dinner, Laoda and Topshop weren't there either. I guess it just didn't feel right. Although it wasn't their fault that they didn't come.
MFGG Alumni outing to sentosa tomorrow :D On the agenda will be beach volleyball,luge,lunch and dinner. As expected, the usual gang will be coming(sometimes, this gets me wondering why we send out 30+ e-mails only to have the usual people replying back). Andreas.Peiwen.Edith.Weiyi and me.I think. Will have to lay down red carpet for Empress Andreas tomorrow morning at Habourfront MRT. She will have a zillion stops to make before going to the MRT, so its a sure thing she will be late.HAHAHA.
Today is Teacher's day, but I didn't go back to Mayflowersecondaryschool cos I had class till 5pm but I wanted to soo badly! During lunch, I saw a whole bunch of JC people going back to their alma mater(s) and at that time, I almost had the temptation to pon interpersonal communication and chiong back to MFSS...BUT BUT MFSS closed at 11am.sheeh. But seeing those people meeting up with their secondary school mates made me miss Lam and the rest of the guys that I had grown up with soo badly! And my fellow dreamers. Thank god for MF Scouts campfire.haha.can see those xiao gua(s) then =D.btw...SC or YAC?
Monday, August 25, 2008
11:50 PM
While I was showering, I got reminded of Lester's "leader" post, the one after he posted after the prep camp. quoting him
"as for what andreas mentioned "camp faciliators more tiring than participants..". Welcome to the world of leaders. When I was younger, I always though that being a leader was really easy...just stand around and give some instructions, shout a little, punish the clowns and that it. Its only after you become a committed one do you realise that this isn't the case-I shall not elaborate more but when you participants become one you would know :-)"these words are coming back to haunt me now, especially after all that drama. and they are indeed very wise words as I come to realise. Actually, he said/wrote/drew(he doodled on my handbook) some very wise words/pictures during that time. committed leaders use their hearts to lead as well, I guess.
As quoted from a leader who happens to be my mentor,
"Along the way, I might have been disheartened or disappointed by certain issues, but seeing my girls grow, from a timid, introvert Sec 1 girl to a loud, cheerful young lady has truly gave me a great sense of satisfaction. In each girl, I see a reflection of my younger self. In each girl, I see the potential of a full-grown butterfly. From the day I went back to serve, I knew very clearly that all my butterflies would leave me one day. All I asked for is a chance to protect them during their cocoon days and teach them how to fly."I learnt during these few months that that's all it really matters...
And also the side of a leader the girls don't get to see... "
I knew I had to be strong. I knew I had to be independent. I knew I had to make decisions. I knew I would be lonely at times. I knew I would be frustrated at times." and "
Being a leader of MFGG is a lonely affair, without any support, or anyone to discuss matters with. It takes a lot of courage to be in this position. And of course, PASSION for Guiding."
Actually by now, should be pretty obvious who it is. She wrote a very long entry on it quite some time ago. Anw, the people that I quoted from, have lots of experience in that field, have alot to learn from them =D.
It's also inspiration at it's best.
As for atikah's prince william e-mail.I dug it up :) the exact quote is
"anyway atikah got in to being the road marshall for welcoming the royal couples!!!prince william is mine!~
12:29 AM
More National Camp pictures
xinhui,adeline,eugenia and I promoting national camp 08 :)
this is a pretty typical scene at night, us playing cards.but i didnt even realized she took the picture though.
YAs of Nat Camp o8 ;)
this time...add in GB-Judy + Angela + Shi Hui.
campfire night, you can feel we were all so high,right?
Sunday, August 24, 2008
10:38 PM
Putri: oh yes..give your orders to me before the coming thursday night.thank you!
1 second ago
Putri: okay guys.another important issue.GUIDES COOKIES!!there will not be any macademian nut cookies this year.but the choco mint&cream are still on sale. at the usual price of $10 per tin. anw..if you guys wanna buy, please pass your orders to me.i will give it to the girls and/or my sister.the mfgg webby spammer,MFYA,secretary 05/06,Putri
1 second ago
Putri: Sorry..forgot something.Date:6th september 2008Time: 7-9 pmVenue:MFSSAttire:Casual
11 minutes ago
Putri: haha.okok.i realized im spamming this "guestbook" but i dont care.HAHAHA.anw..important things to tell to you people, since this is officially MF Guides alumni up.MF Scouts Group had kindly invited all MFGG Alumni to attend their annual campfire-they have even set up a unit esp for us!so people sec 4&above, please go! then we can have our little reunion there.
13 minutes ago
putri: btw...i jz realised that this is like mfguides' archives, least for my batch.2 days ago
putri: keeping this thing alive.and how i know abt the webby?i got my sources-google la!3 days ago
putri: nope.havent died still here.3 days ago
putri: so..this is offically the alumni's website? come never tell us abt the new guides webby?btw,alumni, if you guys wanna visit the guides' blog, its http://mayflower-girlguides.blogspot.com3 days ago
I am spamming the guides it's still alive :D
12:58 PM
I realized that mfguides is quite drama.HAHA.must be all the drama club people that passed through our doors in these 5 years or so.and taihou was a going-to-be-in-drama-club person but it fall when she was in sec 1 so she ended up joining guides.
and national camp appreciation dinner on thursday! :) i hope i can go though cos we MUST reply by sunday,23rd Aug(I have no idea about this...since when was today a 23rd?) and I only received the e-mail from Laoda at around 2am(so literally this morning) cos they sent it to, apparently, my e-mail address changed somewhere along the way too.LOL. I'm joking.but for humour sake, it was like those "10" and "3" days,but never quite hitting "9".and i jz received the pictures from eug!! will send it to you guys asap.
And. thank god andreas aka taihou likes to be formal if not I would have lost like about 30+ proposals. edith says that I am like a kid in a candy shop over the proposals, but when I came across the 2005 training camp proposal, how not to be happy?yea,its like gem to me.LOL. also, I came across an old post which goes something like
"Atikah is going to meet the royal family! she is gonna marry Prince William!" while searching for pictures in my blog and it was in one of the e-mails that atikah sent eons ago for some guides stuff. I found that super hilarous man. will dig the real quote out someday.ah.yes.i'm easily entertained.
oh.the rain these days...and gatsby boy commenting about straw hats in his msn nick...and downloading the dreams5 pictures yesterday
(which reminds me...Taihou,can you send me the recce, our saturday meetings at SSA and our homestay pictures?also the pictures that you took yourself-like the one with me,addie and lianyi?And I jz remembered, St.gab 2006 campfire with all the alumni, if you have.haha.thank you in advance. =D). I can't believe I found myself commenting and laughing at those pictures-to myself.those pictures also remind me of how much I've forgotten.
Friday, August 22, 2008
6:29 PM
I’m gonna get my laptop back tomorrow! Now I don’t have to steal Frances’s laptop anymore. And in the midst of daydreaming on the bus back home today, I realised that I also lost gatsby boy’s gu niang pictures that we took while fooling around in the guides room/scouts’ den while preparing last minute logistics for dreams5. Now come to think about it now, farewell 05 pictures + presentation too.
And Sentosa on the 30th with the usual gang of alumni,MF Scouts campfire on the 6th of September, also on the cards is going back alma mater(s) on the 29th for Teachers’ day! I wanna see Mr Ong, Balan, Prem and Mdm Khoo. But I have class till 5pm on that day.shite! Not to mention running from Tiong Bahur to Bishan/AMK. And somewhere in between there is showdown.
Oyster sauce, where arth thou, oyster sauce, I have great memories with oyster sauce(oyster sauce king baby!),and milo and teh peng. And cement and sand and long solitude walks/PIC sessions.Oh! and green paint.
I think I am the kind of person who really need to do sai kang to have the memories lodge permanently inside my brains. That’s why I only recall the campers’ reply to the debrief sessions now. Their classic reply will be “teamwork” and my reply would be “team building of course need team work la. There are 3 Cs”. Then they will start guessing and for 1 group, it even got to the point of hangman.HAHAHA. And speaking of national camp, I also recall how the campers started calling us “ma’ams” after Kathy scolded them (for doing too many “high-balls”). Oh, and the 3 of us sitting on the ropes, the middle one being the favourite. Can literally use it as swing man, it was that strong! And one of the ropes broke in the middle of the game so we had to use the long guides blue rope to replace it afterwards (wanted to learn how to tie it but never got round to learning it).
And Shi Hui coming in during the last day and we played a little game of GG vs GB-none of us won,btw.And I jz remembered a moment ago, Zhiling,Laoda, Topshop,Judy,Yiteng and I went off to play Archery after our last group on the last day-that is after seeing "Juilet" getting soaking wet after Hawa,Pam,Judy,Xinhui and the GG chaperons pouring water all over them!HAHA.and Hawa trying to hug us afterwards.LOL.Oh, and me trying to spot any mf people in any groups and turn out all but 1 recognise me! Didn’t know I was THAT famous in mf man. Also, one camper remembered me from YA conference! OMG! And cute little boy! His name is Benedict Chia-which I later learn at the campfire, from Foxtrot! And when we wanted volunteers to come out to be the ball-pickers/defenders, Angela said something like “the cutest boy from each team come out”, he was blushing when he came out. SOO CUTE!!!
Oh yes, and by the time the first few teams finished, we established a guarding system, to have a person at every side of the pillar (so as to have minimum chances of the ball rolling down the cliff). Banu coming in as the top scorer for every team she was in so Angela passed the ball to the other team and Banu ALWAYS being one of the violent strikers.LOL. which, in turn, always got nagged by Laoda to be less violent-I found that very funny.I love my station masters' banter. The icing on the cake was that we took even more pictures with the campers :)
Oh yes, our balls storage area(the cupboard box) ended up as a trash bag in the end of every game with paper aeroplanes inside. And when the ball ran down the cliff the 2nd time, and when I ran down the cliff to get it, it reminds me of how unfit I am. Also, Banu getting it the first time round and Zhiling always helping to catch the ball before it fall down the cliff.HAHAHA. My station provide great entertainment, I know =D
Games aside, its flooding toilet(taking reference from Topshop’s blog), not 1 of the best showers that I ever had but... showering on the 3rd day was the ultimate shuang-ness. Full blast and clean bathroom J.Banu sleeping on my bed, in our dorm on the 3rd night while I slept on the safari bed(it was super comfortable man) and the next morning, everyone didn’t wake up till 6:45am cos we were too dead asleep.
And almost went with Adeline, Eugenia, Topshop ,Maisarah, Xinhui and her friends to go supposedly night cycling but ended up staying in and eating supper,playing cheat(and teaching the SJAB how to play),talking and bathing with Hawa,Kathy and Pamela while waiting for them to come back. Personally, I think I made the right choice that night. Adeline and Eugenia coming back from lunch and dinner on day 1-4 with extra juices until the NP logistics people know that its GG or GB asking for extra juice even without us saying.
Learning Flea Fly footdrill and 5BX from Banu while being i/c of the foosball station. Couldn’t fall asleep on the 2nd night,and ended up talking with Hawa, Kathy, Angela and Adeline. Playing the shooting game with SJAB, Kathy,Hawa and Angela before the campfire started and afterwards, going with Laoda to the Red Cross to bandage her toe and laughing at how big the bandage is. Also, hopping back to the dorm and changing in the room.
Back to the games, laying out hola hoops obstacles with Adeline and making them cross a very big hole. Reminding the campers to “tell the person in front of you what you just did” and to pass down the message. Taking pictures with the blindfolded campers and their instructors with Angela and Adeline. Making life difficult for the leaders in the trail, also, making the campers in the subsequent groups put on wet(cos of sweat) garbage bags blindfolds.
Taking glasses from the campers at the start of the trail and at the last group, losing 1 pink spectacles(feel quite guilty about it) at the end of it, also, going on 2 spectacle hunts in the trail. Making the campers squeeze through the web that Angela and I made, seeing that they had 20 people, it either had to go through the BIG hole or under it. Speaking of which, the campers tried to do the limbo when they saw the ropes at the foosball station and they loved touching the middle rope during briefing/before the game starts.
And then back to camp, before everyone came, xinhui and I went for a long hike around Pulau Ubin where we came across a haunted house, picking up seashells, talking with a local kid, also at the campsite, cooking and eating lunch the UG way, which is cooking it in a messtin and cooking it using solid fuels.
Eating dinner with Eugenia and Adeline the same way and later that night, the 3 of them TRIED to do their homework but we ended up camwhoring outside our dorm with Eugenia’s camera. Awaking up in the middle of the night to a doorbell ringing constantly and being scared stiff of it so I ended up sleeping on the mattress near the door next to Adeline. The next morning, the 4 of us did “room service” simply because we had nothing better to do, putting the mattresses and blankets on the beds and putting the pillow covers on.
Last one, last night, campfire. We went over to the foxtrot side to be their cheer leaders, heard quite alot of weird cheers and kept on thinking that the speed was way too slooow. Cheering foxtrot wildly, singing and dancing the night away with dorm mates, cheering with foxtrot their whale whale cheer and lastly, taking pictures with foxtrot.
After campfire, ate supper with Hawa, Kathy, Eugenia and Adeline and in the midst of it all, stopping the campers who were going back to their dorm to hear more cheers, also, before getting on the van home, taking the last of the precious(frozen) juice from Banu and on the van back, realising that Eugenia left her ipod behind at camp.
Typing them out while the memories are still fresh in my mind.
“But what minutes! Count them by sensation, and not by calendars, and each moment is a day”
-Benjamin Disraeli
Happy Birthday Lionel and Hazel!!!cya on the 6th!
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
4:55 PM
Got a package full of wishesA time machine, a magic wandA globe made out of goldNo instructions or commandments,Laws of gravity or indecisions to upholdPrinted on the box I see 'Acme's Build a World to Be'Take a chance, grab a pieceHelp me to believe it-world,five for fightingfor all the reality that the world has to offer, i would really like a time machine.
to go-national camp 08,dreams5 07,camp FLAG&training camp 05,speech day 04.
but thats wishful dreaming.
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
3:22 PM
I'm gonna loss all my data in my laptop.
so there goes my training camps pictures,03-05 random guides events pictures,05 nightdrill video,DREAMS 5 pictures,from pre-expedition recce to day 9, 05 amazing race pictures, 06 and 07 ROD pictures, class pictures from 05-07.OMG.and ALL of my proposals!!!! mostly guides. oh man..and addie's and mine dreams writeup!!!! Oh ya, jz remembered, campfire pictures too, 05-06. Miaomiao's powerpoint about MS words and paint too.And my DREAMS 5 presentation.not to mention all those precious msn conversations i've saved. Ah.and my YA conference pictures...
Thank god Peiwen took the camp inspire and this year's training camp pictures. and the nat camp pictures haven't been collated yet...also dreams5 pre-expedition camp and the pictures from day 1-9 can take from the scout's website.
i'm mostly heartbroken about my dreams5 and guides pictures. since I am the only one who have most, if not all of the guides pictures, taking into account that i've been the official photographer for mfgg since 2005.AH...all those cute pictures of the J1s.HAHA.but for the 2006 training camp pictures, YAY! NO MORE EVIDENCE!! YAHOO!!! so no one besides the 2006 batch of mfgg and mfncc will know. :)
Hmm...can ask L.L for the writeups since its really oh-so-precious and the pre-expedition pictures.but for the rest...i'll take it as a sign.
no use crying over spilled milk,right?
besides,what counts is that we know it existed before(even though pictures are pretty darn important).
Oh yes, about "Fred's rice", it is because he was my expedition leader last year and during my dreams5 expedition, we had to cook our own meals, that being said, no one in my patrol knows how to cook-much less for a team of 19 people.Anyway, Fred(erick)was in charge of cooking the rice while the rest of my patrol mates and i were cooking the main dishes. And i remember he asked me how the rice tasted like, and my comment was "okay la..but a little bit weird". turns out he didn't put in enough water when he was cooking the rice. hence the chaoda/half-cooked rice became "Fred's rice" to the rest of us. and he dubbed it "budda jump over the wall". thats another story. :)
Another turning point, a fork stuck in the roadTime grabs you by the wrist, directs you where to goSo make the best of this test, and don't ask whyIt's not a question, but a lesson learned in time
Monday, August 18, 2008
12:09 AM

Kapok this from the official website, looks cool :)

one of the many "last" shots we took, there was us holding the orange juice, this one is called "ROCK ON!" and notice our beautiful bunks behind?be envious. was not a camp, it was a service awaits you!

personally, i love this picture the most, this picture can make me miss nat camp.other then the fact that you can see everyone clearly, it was like they captured a moment[in time]where i would love to go back to.
And thank you....
Pamela(pasar malam)
for making my first nat camp the one to remember. :) <3
and they say you can't forget your first...
and i wanna go for Nat Camp 2010!!!!!!
P.S. I was reading the campers' blogs and they loveeee our team building games! Haha.Biasness aside, kathy and angela, i think they like foosball the best(cos thats where they get to be super violent, the basketball hit the ceiling dunnohowmanytimes and roll down the cliff twice) so our injuries were all worth it(speaking of which,laoda,hope your toe gets better soon)=D.
BRAZIL vs SINGAPORE!!! LOL.the joke we give the campers when they are playing against one another, depending on which team is the better one.
oh yes, Eugenia,Laoda,Mango,Xinhui,Pasar Malam,Hawa,Zhiling and Yiteng, if you guys are going to any YA events,tell me ya?like that we can have a mini nat camp gathering. posts are getting longer and longer by the minute.
Labels: national camp 2008
Friday, August 15, 2008
10:27 PM
my laptop jz died on me.
and i think i'm gonna loss all my data.
shit!there goes all my pictures from 03-now.not to mention all the files from godknowswhen.
and im gonna pray for a miracle...
2:47 AM
for amusement sake, showdown is suppose to be this week.
i wonder what doris lim is gonna attack. i would love to shoot her down.
and from what i heard at camp from kathy, this is happening all over singapore. not only those idiotic morons.
i say, well done girl guides of singapore. what a smart thing you guys are doing.letting your leaders watch a $100 dollars show.
1:33 AM
HAHA. Xinyi asked me to write a 1000 words essay on how entertaining she is, should be pretty easy ( I think), considering how many crazy things we did last year. Actually, how I got to know her in the first place is pretty crazy itself, let me just say that we had mutual friends. Okay, back to how entertaining she can be. She can talk for hours for end, and she can explore theories and sometimes, if there is time, analysis our current situation then and her interpretation of them with me. I find that pretty fascinating and the fact that I can only do this with a handful of people proves to be pretty entertaining, in a way.
She also have lots of stories to tell, the funnier ones are about( insert a string of colorful hokkien words)where mr lee( the librarian in school) will look at us and ask us whether we were really studying or not. The funniest incident, though, is during the Os period, when she and momo gamely took my phone and sms to someone(Xinyi, haha, you should know who) “I miss you”. The look on their faces after they send the sms was pretty priceless, kinda like they just robbed the bank and were terrified that the police would catch them. That was very entertaining. Another time was when she was telling me about the cockroach in her bathroom where upon seeing it, her sisters and her screamed soo loud till the police came down and asked whether anything was wrong and she was telling me that story in the library, was laughing like a mad woman when I heard the story.
Another fact that is both etched deep in our minds was what happened during the period of time we were studying in KBCC. “3rd floor, 1st bathroom” still familiar to you? Anyway, the story goes that a group of st.nicks girls were also studying at the same place with us, and we found out things, cos it was pretty obvious, from our POV.
As you guys know, Xinyi is a pretty affectionate person, so, during teacher’s day, the other xinyi and I practically had to drag her( bag and all) to give her present to yong. The things she does make me laugh sometimes. Yet, I was also egging her on to give that present and talk to yong.Entertaining? In a way la.
Last year, we had this notebook between us where we wrote letters to each other inside, it kept me entertained during class. If the lesson is too boring, then I will just reply her “letter”. One of her favourite hobbies happens to be teasing me about DREAMS 5, I think to get back at me for teasing her about yong. She combined forces with Kamini and Shiyama to tease me about them. After a while, it got pretty amusing, the kind of things they think of, what riau will be the name of my future son that kind of things, like my future son will be named riau, the kind of things they think of...
Yay! Halfway through, 500 words already!i can't think of anything more at the moment la.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
8:28 PM
Just came back from National Camp, about 2 hours ago, but a day early. Didn’t want to stay back cos most of my friends were also going back and there is nothing for us to do tomorrow. Anyhow, camp was like one of those rare camps that allow you to forget everything else except what’s going on at camp. I kinda needed that, to have a few days of “delusional” until “reality” sets in. And it really does feel like another world away from what I know.And it some weird ways, it got me reminded of dreams, like the rice I ate for today’s lunch, the moment I put it inside my mouth, my immediate though was Fred’s rice(long story).HAHAHA. Also the hours spent at the games station with the same people day in day out, like the amount of hours spent at the badminton court. Oh! And the boat that we rode to the NP camp resilience campsite, but it wasn’t the bumboat kind even though it’s pretty close.
We also joined forces with GB, St.John and 1 NP (Banu, our juice CI!) cos we slept in the same dorm and it was damn fun man! During the breaks, we would either be playing card games or catching up on our sleep. So far, we’ve played Saboteur (the BB next door taught us how to play), cheat, Taiti and UNO. At nights, the card games continue or we would just talk. But I have to admit, the cedar entertainment center (Eugenia, Adeline and Banu) are pretty entertaining. Most of the time, because of them, we would be laughing like mad. Playing cheat with Eugenia is very easy, cos during 1 break, Angela, Pamela, Eugenia and I were playing and when Angela suspected that she cheated, she looked Eugenia in the eye and Eugenia jz admitted it herself.LOL.but we didn’t get to finish the game…[edit at 7pm,Thursday]I got pretty lucky I worked with people I’m comfortable with at my stations. I did Trust Walk with Adeline and Angela on the 1st day and Fosball with Angela (Topshop) and Kathy ( Laoda) on the 2nd and 3rd day. Oh, and Banu also. The random talks in between the groups showed me how deep these people can get. It’s a matter of time I guess, I’m not hoping any big things to come out of it, to stay in contact would be good enough for me already. The downside of these type of things is that you will never know when you will see the person again, maybe soon, maybe never, no one will know. As always, the people make the difference. And this time,they really did. the closest thing to come to my dreamers so far, yet, you can't judge a person in 5 days.4 days is short, but enough time to make inside jokes and to live in the moment. To me, those 4 days is about them, save for a few sms-ses, I totally ignored the rest. Even though the dorm was pretty high tech( we had blankets, pillows, bunks and thick mattress with power plugs and cupboards), no one brought along anything high tech, unless u count hps and water heater.
And that’s the way I like it.Dinner and Lunch was a standard fare of rice and chicken. But the GG + GB highlights were the JUICE! Be it apple or orange, it was like treasure for us. We got pretty famous for asking for extra juice from Banu.HAHA. Lucky she gave us a whole carton of juice last night. And we ate our meals outside and since our dorm was facing the beach, it was pretty awesome. [edit again on monday,8th sept] I just remembered, when Charlie came down to my station on the 2nd day(haha.cos the cute acs(i) ncc air guy was in the group that found the bird), we found an injuried bird. If I remember correctly, it was when we were picking up the ball, banu found the bird and she and her friends, who were regulars at my station tried to lift the bird up, to see where the bird was injuried and to get the bird to the canteen to receive medical help. but in the end, Banu's head say to let the bird die, so she put the bird under the canteen, with orange and apple juice,water,snacks beside it. but in the end, the bird lived. :D And the group who saw the whole thing, i think we paused the game for a full 5 mins or so.
Campfire ended the whole thing perfectly, we all got high. FOXTROT RULES!GG + GB + SJAB Instructors is the <3To end this…
Chikka O zaggo,
Ziggi ziggi zaggo
What is the mammal of the sea called?
WHALE!WHALE!people..send me pictures please! i forgot who else besides kathy,eugenia,hawa and pamela took the pictures.anw...if you have them, send them to me.
Saturday, August 09, 2008
1:39 AM
Finally bought everything! HAHA.
The mess tins, solid fuels, flashlight and my meals for Sunday and Monday morning.
Now all I got to do is pack and I am all ready to go!
The camp schedule seems pretty slack(provided the fact that we are gonna stay in 1 area for the rest of the 3 days of activities) so that leaves the rest of time for us to be crappy and have an informal YA bonding session.
The next week will be a great chance for me to relax, camp is pretty therapeutic in that way and it can help me loss weight too. Oh, and a chance to get away from the city. I love the ulu-ness after dreams but then again, there will be around 1000 campers…so…it will not really be that rural.
And I just realized that no matter how much we want to hate them with all of our hearts, we just can’t seem to bring ourselves to do it.old habits die hard.
Tuesday, August 05, 2008
9:25 AM
What Putri Kartika Winata Means |
You are influential and persuasive. You tend to have a lot of power over people. Generally, you use your powers for good. You excel at solving other people's problems. Occasionally, you do get a little selfish and persuade people to do things that are only in your interest.
You are a very lucky person. Things just always seem to go your way. And because you're so lucky, you don't really have a lot of worries. You just hope for the best in life. You're sometimes a little guilty of being greedy. Spread your luck around a little to people who need it.
You are a seeker. You often find yourself restless - and you have a lot of questions about life. You tend to travel often, to fairly random locations. You're most comfortable when you're far away from home. You are quite passionate and easily tempted. Your impulses sometimes get you into trouble.
You are wild, crazy, and a huge rebel. You're always up to something. You have a ton of energy, and most people can't handle you. You're very intense. You definitely are a handful, and you're likely to get in trouble. But your kind of trouble is a lot of fun.
You tend to be pretty tightly wound. It's easy to get you excited... which can be a good or bad thing. You have a lot of enthusiasm, but it fades rather quickly. You don't stick with any one thing for very long. You have the drive to accomplish a lot in a short amount of time. Your biggest problem is making sure you finish the projects you start.
You are a seeker of knowledge, and you have learned many things in your life. You are also a keeper of knowledge - meaning you don't spill secrets or spread gossip. People sometimes think you're snobby or aloof, but you're just too deep in thought to pay attention to them.
You are usually the best at everything ... you strive for perfection. You are confident, authoritative, and aggressive. You have the classic "Type A" personality.
You are very charming... dangerously so. You have the potential to break a lot of hearts. You know how what you want, how to get it, and that you will get it. You have the power to rule the world. Let's hope you're a benevolent dictator!
You are very intuitive and wise. You understand the world better than most people. You also have a very active imagination. You often get carried away with your thoughts. You are prone to a little paranoia and jealousy. You sometimes go overboard in interpreting signals. |
[edith posting on behalf of putri kartika winata :D shall do analysis if i am really very free. LOL.]
Monday, August 04, 2008
12:39 AM
this doesn't feel like exam week
i think im already on holiday mood.
this is so random.but.i want to go to the army market!!
and im thinking of moving to LJ/wordpress during the holiday...
reminder to self: make soup on saturday night and ask other RPs whether they are bringing potato chips/instant noodles over to camp.oh.and where to meet at changi village.
Sunday, August 03, 2008
2:03 AM
I’m am not an attracting-old-friends magnet, really am not, I just happen to be at the right place at the right time.
I wonder how long is it before I can start appreciating the full air-con environment, classroom style breaks the ice more easily, I realized. Not to mention having back-to-back lessons all day. In other words, I think I am missing the Singapore system. But I really want to experience on-campus life in LA, which include sleeping in a dorm and all that kinda stuff. It just doesn’t feel real here, you know?
On contemplating about life, my life goes by really slow and I am not really that busy, so I have lots of time to think, except that I have nothing to think about. Trust me, I would love to be as busy as my poly and jc friends, their lives seem exciting as compared to mine. The only thing worth talking about these days is YA, the only reason why I haven’t went completely nuts yet. That’s the reason why all I can talk about these days is national camp.
At a time where I should take advantage of my age to live life to the fullest, I feel I am not doing so. Yet, I have a looong list of things I want to do. 1st on the list will be go to a Jamboree.
Friday, August 01, 2008
6:03 PM
GB HQ is very big man, and it has that rural area feel, like PBP (except that PBP is REAL rural), a stretch of field stretches beyond the old basketball court. No wonder it’s all in the way in Kovan. Was the last one to reach cos I was the only one who didn’t have anyone to go along with and I didn’t know how to walk from the MRT-GB HQ.
Had a little briefing then came the games. Most of the YAs volunteering came from Cedar so they were together. Anyway, back to the games, we did the number cards game, Punch, I think? It was pretty interesting, we had to choose 1 / 2 numbers then we had to touch those numbers in sequence, one person at a time and we couldn’t step out of our imaginary boundary. 2nd game was to transport water using pipes, that were utter chaos and in the end, the GB guy taught us how to carry it.
The 3rd game was the best, in my opinion anyway, we did trust walk, they blindfolded us using trash bags and we had to follow the person in front of us (in the actual scenario, they will do it in the forest so all the more scarier) and follow the instructions passed down from the person in front of us. Doing that with the people you don’t know gets kinda scary at first but after a while, it was fun. The last game was human soccer, 2 ropes tied to each side and 5 people in each team and we couldn’t let go of the rope we were holding on it kinda like the big scale version of the table soccer game.
Since all of the YAs are going to come on the 10th to do preparation work, I think most probably we will eat breakfast together at Changi Village then meet them(the leaders) at Changi Jetty at 9am. So, I will be gone from the 10th-14th of August.
As all camps goes, after 5 days, something will bound to happen. And 5 days seems rather short, I guess after going to PBP, anything below 9 days is short.HAHA. But still, I am looking forward bonding with those guys.
My schedule seems pretty packed…
Weekend : Study with Chua Qin Shi
Monday: Computer Exam
Tuesday and Wednesday: Study art
Thursday: Art Exam
Friday: 1 maths tution in the morning, 1 at night(Please kill me).
Saturday: Southern Ridges Hike with MF Alumni/Watch NDP parade/Pack camp bag
Sunday: off to camp! :)