Thursday, May 28, 2009
4:12 AM
ABANDON SHIP!!!!first off, i am amazed at the turnout yesterday night.pretty damn incredible. 12 PEOPLE!OMG!like a reunion.hehehe.and 05 camp was the main topic of the evening.its funny how much we all can remember, and how much they all can forget. and the amusing memories in between.May didn't know i faked sick during nightwalk!HAHAHA.and adeline neo told me i should have told her 4 years back that i was going to do that...and she would have faked sick with me.super amusing. things i remember from 05 camp? my deepest impression was May doing nightdrill.HAHA. she was shouting "GIRLS! PACK UP YOUR BAGS! I WANT TO SEE YOU OUTSIDE THE LIBRARY WITHIN 4 MINUTES!"-i swear 4 years on, i still have nightmares about this. Popping the balloon during mass game, OMG! the balloon which was prem's favourite colour[purple] actually had the ring in it! simply, yunqi, sanah, jasmine, huiying, yinghui, priscilla, may and xueying. my awesome and my coolest seniors. them being back was just enough. THAT TALK.LOL. it was somewhere along the lines of " we pontong school for you guys so you guys should be grateful." and "each and everyone of you is precious in our guides company, you know how hard your seniors work to keep the guides company alive?". seniors wearing nyjc Ms Annie and Florence Ng patrolling during i miss them. and after a lifetime of nicknames, May gave another one during MINDS camp, put put tri tri.LOL. soo affectionate of her.hahaha.I can soo hear the teasing coming from Angeline.Anyway, those 8 seniors that came, its a miracle in and out of itself, considering what happened last year. all of us could have abandon ship, jz like that. simple.easy. but i guess we didn't cos mfgg alumni has an extremely good support system going on. another factor was the batch of girls after "them", its not their fault so why should they suffer? like a senior of mine said, "put the interest of others before yourself".YAs are being treated like superwomen half the time, i know. tiring? of course! but it all comes down to that 2Ps. those 2 which i HATE talking about. you know what, this is like putting myself through hell i did last year, and many years before that.2006,2007 and 2008. if i were to explain each year, there will be too many codes to list. crap. and i vow it will not happen this year.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
1:11 PM
when you haven't slept in 48 hours, chances are you will go nuts/high at 8:30am on sunday morning :)
audrey, angeline and junie.LOL. you guys know what i mean ;)
Monday, May 25, 2009
8:44 PM
wish we had more camps like this, you know, i got to know the nice side of the EXCO.over the past 6 months, they've humanized, i've seen the stress side of them, the irriated side of them, the joking side of them,the serious side of them and their professional was pretty heart-warming seeing each and everyone of us grow up during this process.and it was pretty damn tough. i shall start off with hendarto. he's closer to edith cos they went to job week together and it went off from there. the first person he would ask a question or for help is her. anyway, he looks like a slacker kind of guy but in actual fact, he is working, jz slowly and silently. when he is shoot at, he won't retaliate, but he would get angry. but he will channel everything inside cos he knows that in the end, its about the participants, not the EXCO.he is damn hardworking man, i think he didn't sleep at all at night cos he was doing the 5-6am shift and at the same time, he was boiling eggs and making milo. and he didn't complain at all.he was also extremely affectionate, he would play around with the people in his team and took extremely good care of them :) i was pretty surprised man. and in the days leading to the camp, there was an sms marathon about the logistics between he, edith and i. thanks for getting almost everything ready man. i know it was not easy. and it was my pleasure helping you, getting the lightsticks was no biggie.then on to stanley, he and i became close like the way hendz and edith became close. i sort of became his PA and whatnot, he would sms/call me about the meetings/what to wear etc.haha.which is like damn funny la. and he is the person i would complain to, lol, so its a 2 way thing. then his standard answer will be " don't worry, i will take care of it".LMAO. which i will find out, he usually won't. i think i nagged at him until he became scared already.haha.and he would usually ask me for help also[stanley, next time don't need to act all man in front of me]. and then we would crap over about minds stuff then end up crapping about school and all. he would comment on what lit books i am doing and ask whether i need help.ahhaha.during camp, he slept on the chairs[we slept in the conference room] and he slept in this weird position.ahha.i almost wanted to take a picture of it if i wasnt soo sleepy and tired. and OMG! I FREAKING DIDN'T KNOW THERE WAS A HOT WATER BATHROOM IN MFSS! until mr stanley yeo told me. and we went to shower together, he was a "gentleman" and waited for andreas to come out and i went to other bathroom...which didnt have hot water.haha.i was planning to murder stanley at that time since he was laughing soo loudly outside[and it was about 2-3am,mind you]. btw, you still owe me and edith a drink for not getting the declaration form out on time. ;) and I WANT TO RIDE IN YOUR CAR!!!! nevermind, we still have more meetings to go to.Xiangjie, Mai Xiangjie. my dear project chairperson[i would call him this when i get angry with him, learn from kelvin.haha]. poor guy, he was running around like mad during the whole camp and i think cos of AAR, he missed his FF concert. like all seniors, he pretended to know what he was doing even though he didn't and i have to say he pulled it off quite well. he is also another victim of my nagging. i would constantly ask him about information and then he would end up asking me to pass it on to the rest/i would send out the e-mail to the rest. but yea, i think he had to step out of his comfort zone for this project, which i think is a very big thing. Kelvin Kelvin Kelvin. Mr Kelvin Leong. he is the "bad guy" of our committee. he is the person i can safely say i was scared of. during our planning, we would come up with all sorts of ambitious ideas and i guessed he brought us back to earth during times like that. and he is our advisor in this area cos in terms of scouts, he is the one with the most experience and he is mayflower's scout leader. he turned all nice during the camp that it almost gave me goosebumps man. contrary to his personality, he was joking with us throughout the day but he also made sure we got things done[like the t-shirts] and at 4am that morning, after our supper of prata, he went and bought his milo peng across the street and he treated me to teh peng also! gosh! damn nice lor. and then during station games, we were crapping while waiting for the other stations to end[cos our stations were side by side] or while waiting for the groups to come. and kin peng and him gave me the bread that they cooked for me to eat[they were cooking sausages, fishballs and bread for backwoodsman cooking]. soo nice! and i shared it with the nice side of him is finally coming out. i got to pig out on the sausages too :) :)lastly, edith. haha.i know her soo well, i think this camp is quite normal lor. we've seen the different sides of each other in various camps throughout the years and this camp isn't any different. man, midnight prata is like a ritual already. speaking of prata, thanks for buying the kosong prata for me :). what i feel she has taken away from this project is the ability to work with the rovers since she has never worked with them before[the closest is hearing me gushing about them 2 years back]. and i guess her sense of practicality is good for this camp, cos everyone was too busy to worry about the little details[sorry about it!].her ability to read people is good at times too. you know, i love the atmosphere at 1,2,3 and 4am that night. and again, there was this silence and yes, this overwhelming peace. like only this time and place matters, nothing else does. the EXCO were all awake because we were doing stuff like wet weather program, hike trail and 2nd day's schedule. and we ate supper together! i was soo hungry till i ate a portion of hendz's fried noodles and my kosong was delicious! and it was 3-4am in the morning.also like the EXCO is finally working like a team :) good thing my hp died on me on sunday morning so i was pretty much uncontactable. for the first time in a looooong looong time, may nagged at me to sleep. so yes, i kind of felt protected during the camp too, cos my seniors were there to help me too. made me feel like a kid again in a good way. man, at times, the words "may ma'am" and "xueying ma'am" almost escaped my mouth. old habits die hard[FYI:may was my sec 1 commander].haha.and some words that they said to juniors jz brought me back in time. i was like "ehh....this sounds very very familiar".LOL. and god knows that i still have lots to work on to be able to reach their standards. jiayi and chanel were all super crappy.LOL. cos there is no more bougainvillea in guides anymore so when the girls fall in, both of them fall in as the bougain patrol.haha.cos both of them were from my patrol and they were like "putri! join in!".HAHAHA. and jiayi became the youngest again, it was like we were back in 2005.hehehe. an achievement! but maybe cos this time i am an EXCO member but I REMEMBER LESTER'S SPEECH! after i went to bath on saturday, lester gave his, what my dreamers call the reverse psychology speech, which i can tell you will bring people to think but....they will forget what he will be talking about after that. it was along the lines of the kids[meaning service scouts and guides] being underappreciated but no matter what, we've touched their lives in one way or another. then....a clap for the EXCO!hehehe.i kind of overwhelming sense of pride then. during the camp, i sometimes want to murder my girls, for their lack of initatives and their constant whining but for people in my team, which coincidently is 5, miaomiao, bryan[ong, not lie,unfortunately] and jolin did a pretty awesome job of taking care of the MINDS kids. even though i nag at bryan and jolin ALOT[i think they are scared of me telling them to walk with the MINDS kids liao.HAHA]. oh yes, speaking of jolin, i am not oink oink putri ma'am,okay?and to call miao, there are 3 names, cat, miao and kuching, depending on country[yes, looong story jolin].oh yes, jz remembered, on friday night, when i called the guides to gather so that may and xueying could talk to them, i shouted soo loudly until both of them were like patting my back.haha.soo funny. i think this is it for the camp, but once i remember stuff, will blog it down here. have lots to think about, thats for sure. of course, how could i forget?THANK YOU EXCO,
or rather
yes,much nicer this way.
and i feel proud to be in the PLM EXCO <3
Friday, May 22, 2009
1:25 AM
aka D-DAY to everyone at project linking minds.
shall do a little reflection on this project....
it wasn't as emotional as the "dreams" expendition, but then again, how everyone suffered as a team wasn't such as bad as the "dreams" expendition. i guess it is a good thing, personally. but for those who weren't expose to dreams's emotional impact, it is a bad thing.
Also, i've tried to live up to the leadership styles of fred, lionel and andreas. and i couldn't quite hit it. part of it is the commitment. since i have school on wednesdays afternoon, i can't be there all the time to get to know the participants well enough. my boys who went to dreams5 with me had grown, physically and mentally. sometimes, it is hard to imagine them being the people whom i've known 2 years ago. lol.i can state some examples too.
speaking of yingjie and mingxuan, thanks for helping me carry the firewood from GSS to MFSS. i knew i could trust you guys with my life! :) and yingjie is learning the art of nagging.LOL.
camp.AAR.passion run this weekend. not going to sleep man.and i am still not asleep.LOL. i think AAR is only gonna last for 1 hour on saturday since xj is going to rush to his FF concert. and i hope i have enough time to bath in school then rush down to bishan to meet angeline they all. haha.alas, food might delay us.hehe. cos mr gana/lester/andreas...might treat
this feel like deja vu, give it 1 more month and it will be deja vu.don't know why i am counting also. i just don't want people to leave. you know how it feels when someone/a group of people suddenly burst into your life, make you get used to their presence then leaves, like a hurricane?picking up broken debris isn't my forte. and i don't feel like confronting my personal demons just yet.
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
4:01 AM
I am soo sleep-deprived! case in point...its 4am and i am still up, jz finished modernization project proposal cos internet went wack jz now so had to restart it again. and i am living the life of a poly/jc student, i go home at 9-10pm everyday, for this week and last weekend. and it was a marathon of a weekend man. i will usually fall asleep on the sofa till about 11-12mn when i go to bath.last saturday and sunday was long and pretty interesting[okay, this may be an understatement]. it will be a super long story. so highlights! inter-unit camp guiders briefing! hahaha, i thank god for the time i was literally forced to speak in front soo many people, if not, don't think i would be able to do it now. and thanks kianru! for taking down the rock! then AGM! ms alasgoff almost though kianru and i were sneaking out of AGM when she saw us moving from the 3rd row, and from felicia's account, her eyes were on us when we moved from the 3rd to the last few rows. bad or good thing she knows my name? after that was carnival briefing. 1 word-CHAOTIC!!! lol. hawa, felicia and i were panicking like hell. no joke. but i think we kind of pulled it off considering the sudden change in time. and shikin made the atmosphere lighter by joking with me by saying "good putri, you managed to get it done in time, your reward is 4 hrs of bathing time".LMAO. last event for saturday was carnival meeting. 1 word-long. it was 2 1/2 hrs man! and well, look for me if you want the full story. I SAW MR LANG PENG HANN ON SUNDAY!!!!!!!!! OMG!!!!!!!!!!! oh! AND PATRICK AND MS CHEW!!!!!!!! goodness. all of them gave me a shock. cos was volunteering as an usher for the passion run pack race on sunday so was at novena square ushering people to empty favourite counter for that day was 7.haha. cos of serene and nicole. i will remember from that day-nat camp food.LOL.seriously! apple and orange juice came back, made me nostaglic you know?hahahaa.all the times when we finished the apple/orange juice within 5 secs and the banu's team got to know our dorm's people very well[or rather eugenia's and adeline's faces.LOL.] 1 look and they know...guides, gb and st.johns asking for extra juice. ;) haha.junie was fascinated by the juice container and i wish hawa was there with us, laughing alone at that "inside" joke is soo not serene is peng hann's poly friend and both of them were runners for counter 6 and 7 for that day and we got to play around abit[aka directing the people to serene's and nicole's counter.hehe]. haha.sorry, forgot to explain. peng hann is my secondary school friend.. thats why i was soo shocked when i saw him on sunday morning in novena.hehe. also got to know a few chung cheng high(main) guides, abigail, su ann(haha, this girl is damn cute la, like cai er), zhiqi, jazreel and i can recite "hi sir/ma'am, this way to counter ___" , "may i have your I/C please" and "please sign here[at the place above the received chop]" in my sleep already. heard it uncountable times on sunday.and my hand-signalling skills improved.haha.can become traffic police already. oh yea, patrick and ms chew are running so they went there to get their race packs. the only downside...was elmo-girl XD, the rest was the fun side of sai kang, even though i stood from 9am-9pm! give or take 12 hours!
Monday, May 11, 2009
2:42 AM


we strang pins together; three in 1 bobby pins-we can do it in our sleep already. we were the loudest- 17 people can make the noise of 5000 people! we played the music through the eras-turned out everyone know about the all famous westlife, backstreet boys and HSM. we crapped like hell-thats when i found out junie came from the same primary school as me, HGS.we complained about the chicken rice-yes! after eating it for soo many years, we can tell the difference in quality.
we became GSS Manufacturing Pte Ltd, putting the leaflet, running pins,spa voucher and lotion in a plastic bag-sorry for being soo slow! my hands must have momentum then can do fast.hehe. i was teased by felicia and angeline about our "brothers" cos they say i mention them at least once everytime i meet them. and of course, for being slow, but thanks for helping me la.haha.jz remembered. cos when i was putting the lotion and spa voucher in, i was super quiet- they said i had the "stress" look while angeline had the "serious" look. ahh...these people are way too observant.
but yes,the repetitive work was relaxing, quite like painting the badminton court. my brain weren't whirling with how to do what and when, when is what due and who i owe what.i can get used to this feeling-or more like, i miss this feeling.
then felicia went to help me fly down to wisma to repair my idiotic laptop, then she flew down to thomson plaza to meet me. at thomson plaza, it was all business, though it was good seeing cai er and ms tang. we discussed camp stuff, of course, and eggs of all eggs, it reappeared again-thanks for reminding me cai er! i totally forgot all about it. we ate cake, which ms tang treated us to, it was good, cai er and i gobbled up the chocolate one immediately. and that woman also ate up the crust of the cheesecake! dont think i didn't notice hor.LOL. ms tang flew off at 5:30pm. leaving me in the mercy of cai er, edith and felicia. i was bombarded with questions of guides and PLM to the point my poor brain stop working.
went home at 7pm and reached home at 8pm. almost immediately after that, went off to raffles city to eat dinner with my family. i think i fell asleep in the car. had quite a good dinner and went back home and discussed some more.
it was a fantastic day though,a nice way to carpe diem. :)
haha. and i will talk about what i initally wanted to talk about the next time around.
and sometimes, silence is okay, don't need to talk all the time.
Friday, May 08, 2009
8:20 PM
YES! WE DID IT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
YCM Proposal APPROVED!!!!!!!!
:D :D :D
Lester,Andreas, Xiangjie,Edith, Kelvin, Hendarto and Stanley!<3
1:53 AM

My laptop went siao again. I SOO WANT TO THROW IT OUT OF THE WINDOW! and get a mac that tiara has...using stef's laptop now though.
this week and last week had been very exciting. i had a sleepover with my GGS carnival team from thursday to saturday, had carnival meeting and then school started.
but first things first. angeline came over to my house on thursday night and my parents went home the same night. i had the shock of my life cos i though they were coming back on friday. but we didn't do much on that day la, i think angeline found my bed too cosy and she feel asleep at around 11pm. but felicia and i skyped till around 2ish-am.LOL.didn't have any late-night chats/talk i was hoping for.
we woke up at around 9:30 to fetch felicia from the mrt and to meet angeline's mum at the mrt[to get her jacket]. and in the end, felicia went to get the jacket from angeline's was very funny. cos angeline was talking to her mum, describing felicia and i was talking to felicia on my hp asking her whether she found angeline's mum yet. when we went back to my house, we played mahjong, the mini version, snap and cheat.and i lost lor. man, it was like nat camp when i was playing cheat against hawa.
speaking of hawa, she took the looooongest time to come. turned out she fell asleep on the bus and/or got lost coming to my house. so we watched korean drama,BBF and played wii while waiting for her.true to angeline's prediction. HAHAH. and by the time she arrived, we were all starving so we ate lunch then did carnival things. and watched drama again. oh! and sang karoke on felicia's laptop, super embrassing man. too many public videos of me i think we watched until dinner time then went to order pizza. and christina came right before we dug in. haha.angeline and i went to fetch her and we ate dinner. felicia went home after that and we started playing "the game of life".
for one, i didn't know that it was soo complicated, cos i haven't play "the game of life" for the longest time. it kind of shows how much we have grown i guess. cos when i played it as a kid, i never though of buying what car insurance and house insurance. AND it was ALWAYS the college route, going straight to the career route never crossed my mind. we played for around 1 1/2 hours i guess then went back to watching BBF.Oh yes, christina and angeline were the richest and hawa and i were the poorest. i bath first, followed by angeline. and hawa slept first. i think we watched till 2:30am?LOL.slept with christina and angeline on my bed and hawa slept on the bed on the floor.
Saturday morning was spent nagging at hawa to wake up.HAHAH. then all of us went off to J8 to eat breakfast at LJS.that was the first time i ever ate breakfast at LJS.oh yes, i couldn't finish the other half of my sandwich so dabao it away. After that we went to the coffee shop to eat breakfast with christina then went off to the guides house.
we stoned until around 11ish bah, cos that was when felicia came and we played the computer version of "the game of life".lol.history repeated itself, i lost again! then noorul gave us our lunch, i was soo full till i couldn't eat finish,but both felicia and angeline ate theirs. unbelievable man. had carnival meeting after that.and we all stayed back to talk to mrs mindi about the initatives . after that felicia and christina went home first while angeline and i came up with the e-mails for the open unit meeting and the carnival briefing. i think we left the guides house at around 6ish-pm?
gonna see felicia and angeline tomorrow again.HAHAHA.